Avery Arnold

Hello!  My name is Avery, and I am a Modern Square Dance Caller out of Northwest Indiana.  

Modern Square Dancing is an amazing social activity that anyone can enjoy; combining dance, puzzle solving, & music – I’m privileged to be a part of this activity!

Check out my page to discover more about Modern Square Dancing, see how much fun we have, and find out how you can join us!  As a Square Dance Caller, I am excited to bring new people into an activity that has been such a huge part of my life since 2015.

I am a new Square Dance Caller in the Chicago area, able to call and teach Beginner through Mainstream level Square Dancing.  Check out my calendar to see where to find me and what square dancing activities you can come to – I’d love to see you!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you!
